Team Leader Training

Aeger Group's Team Leader training aims to develop and build the capacity of team leaders at an operational level and prepares them for leadership in challenging and complex environments. This training focuses on leading small teams. The purpose is to give participants a better foundation for leading teams in operations in medium and high-risk areas in a rapidly changing world.

Team management is the process of leading a team of people towards a common goal. It involves planning the goals and tasks of the team members, as well as directing and coordinating their activities and working together to achieve these goals. It also means assessing and developing the team and ensuring that team members work well together and are supported in achieving their individual goals.

Team management is about giving you, as a team leader, the tools and knowledge needed to achieve its goals effectively. It means planning, directing, coordinating and evaluating activities and skills required to counteract unforeseen events that may occur. It also means developing, motivating and supporting team members to achieve their goals.

Team management is a continuous process that requires constant assessment and adjustments to achieve this goal.

The course includes the following topics:

- Theory teaching
- Create base
- Become familiar exercise
- Applicable security regulations and procedures (SOP´s)
- Responsibilities as Team Leader
- SRA / risk assessment
- The security policy/procedures
- Crisis Resource Management
- Case training/exercises
- Leadership styles

The training extends over five days, where theoretical introduction plays a crucial role in a comprehensive practical exercise program. The training gives the participants a unique opportunity for individual development in their roles as leaders.

Curious about a specific training? Contact us at for further information. You can use this link to register for one of our training sessions. Follow the instructions in the form you will access and send this to us for registration.

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